Old Fashioned Way

Letra e Música:

 Georges Garvarentz and Charles Aznavour


Dance in the Old Fashioned Way
Won't you stay in my arms?

Just melt against my skin
And let me feel your heart,
Don't let the music win
By dancing far apart.
Come close where you belong.
Let's hear our secret song.

Dance in the Old Fashioned Way
Won't you stay in my arms?

And we'll discover highs
We never knew before,
If we just close our eyes
And dance around the floor.
That gay old fashioned way
That makes me love you more.



Dance in the Old Fashioned Way.
Won't you stay in my arms?

And we'll discover highs
We never knew before,
If we just close our eyes
And dance around the floor.
That gay old fashioned way
That makes me love you more.


          Filho de refugiados armênios que fugiram do Genocídio perpetrado pelos Turcos em 1915, CHARLES AZNAVOUR nasceu em Paris em maio de 1924. 

Em 1957 seu nome aparece pela primeira vez no topo do cartaz do Olimpia, em Paris, atingindo o ápice da sua consagração como compositor e cantor na década de 80.

Formatação: Ida Aranha