Paul Anka em 2007
Paul Albert Anka, nasceu em 1941, em Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá, de orígem síria.
 É  cantor, compositor e ator;  
naturalizou-se cidadão americano em 1990.
Despontou logo com um sucesso "Diana". A música seguinte "You are my destiny", alcançou o 1º lugar no Top Ten.
Daí em diante sua carreira explodiu em sucessos e apresentações, com canções quase sempre compostas por ele, tendo a se destacar sua parte em "My Way", a assinatura de Frank Sinatra.
Paul Anka
Something happened
To this heart of mine
When I saw you standing
In the sun

Something happened
And I can't define
How I knew you
Were the one

The world stood still
While my head
Went spinning round
I always will
Thank the Lord
For what I found

Something happened
And my prayers were heard
Now I'm walking in
The sun with you

Something happened
And without a word
I was sure you
Loved me too

The world stood still
While my head
Went spinning round
I always will
Thank the Lord
For what I found

Something happened
And my prayers were heard
Now I'm walking in
The sun with you

Something happened
And without a word
I was sure you
Loved me too

I was sure you
Loved me too
I was sure you
Loved me too
Formatação: Ida Aranha