Artus Wolfort - St. Andrew 
 Private collection
Baldassare Peruzzi, 1515-17 - Perspective view of the Sala delle Prospettive - frescoes 
 Villa Farnesina, Rome
  Baldassare Peruzzi, c.1511 - Ceiling decoration - fresco
Villa Farnesina, Rome
Cesare dell'Acqua, 1868 - A Shared Moment
 Private collection
  Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, 1839 - Seated Nude Model 
 Musée du Louvre, Paris 
Cornelis Engebrechtsz, c.1515 - Christ Taking Leave of his Mother 
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Fundo Musical:
Johann Sebastián Bach, *1685  +1750
French Suite nº5 in G - Bourrée
Produção e Formatação:
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha