Bessie H. Wessel, 1915 - Old Fashioned Roses
Wessel Estate
Mac Donald Wright Stanton - 1920, Airplane Synchromy in Yellow-Orange 
 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Walter Ufer - Panoramic Landscape - Private collection
Maurice Utrillo, 1934 - Sacré Coeur de Montmartre and Château des Brouillards Museum of Art, São Paolo
Lucas Van Uden - Landscape With Tall Trees -
Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
Bessie H. Wessel, 1946 - The Red Coat
Wessel Estate

Fundo Musical:
Lustige Weiber, Obertura de la opereta La Veuda Alegre
Franz Lehar, * 1870  +1948

Produção e Formatação:
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha