Sala Ouro  XX

Jacob Pynas - Landscape with Mercury and Battus

Bernard Duvivier, 1790 -  Portrait of the Villers Family 
  Groeninge Museum, Bruges

Jean Germain Drouais, 1784 - The Woman of Canaan at the Feet of Christ
Musée du Louvre, Paris

Johann Ender, 1823 - Portrait of Ferenc Széchényi 
 Hungarian National Museum, Budapest

Johann Michael, 1853 - Raphael's First Sketch of the Madonna della Sedia 
 Royal Collection, Windsor
Joseph Siffred Duplessis, 1778 - Portrait of Benjamin Franklin 
Private collection

Fundo Musical:
Johannes Brahms, * 1833  + 1897
Produção - Formatação:
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha