Sala Ouro XXII

Sir Peter Lely, 1647 - Charles I and The Duke of York 
 Private collection

Sir Peter Lely, 1660 - Henrietta Maria of France Queen of England
 Musée Condé, Chantilly, France

Vittorio Matteo Corcos - On the Terrace
 Private collection

Albert Aublet, 1887 - Sur La Plage, Le Treport 
 Private collection

Albert Bierstadt - Sierra Nevada Mountains 
 Public collection
Anicet Charles Gabriel Lemonnier, 1812 - In The Salon of Madame Geoffrin in 1755 
 Private collection

Fundo Musical:
Johannes Brahms, *1833  +1897
Produção - Formatação:
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha