Vincent Sellaer - Susanna and Elders
Private collection
Julius von Carolsfeld Schnorr - 1831-67 - Decoration - Saal der Rache
 Niebelungensale, Residenz, Munich
Samuel Scott - 1732 - Departure from England of Francis, Duke of Lorraine, 1731 
 Private collection
Sebastiano Del Piombo - 1508-10 - The Judgment of Solomon 
 National Trust, Kingston Lacey, Wimburne (Dorsetshire)
Semyon Fyodorovich Shchedrin - 1777 - View of the Large Pond in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Daniel Schultz II - 1664 - Family Portrait
 The Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Fundo Musical:
Allegro Opus 10, Nº 10
Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo Giuliani,
Produção e Formatação:
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha
Maio, 2010